The Fashion Mama
I grew up knowing her as Sarah Conrow, since 2011 she’s been known as Sarah Novakov, and most recently The Fashion Mama. If you’re into reading blogs about fashionable “mom clothes” and darling little girls clothes to coordinate The Fashion Mama Blog is one you don’t want to miss! Sarah and her girls Marilyn Rose (4) and Bella Jane (2) post outfit ideas to wear on days lounging around the house to a morning at church and a country club brunch, mostly of which can be found online – Sarah’s (and many busy mothers) favorite way to shop. We met up at The Crescent Court Hotel for some afternoon fun and the girls looked darling in their dresses they found at JoJo Mommy! We have known each other since we were our children’s age, and now, we have kids the same age, making Sarah a very fitting “Mom I Heart“! I hope you enjoy the photos from our afternoon and our little Q & A!

I love your blog! Tell us about your inspiration for starting it and what you hope readers take away from it.
One of my dear friends, Jamie O’Banion, made me start it…hahah..she would ask me every time I saw here if I had started it yet. My first thoughts were I don’t have time for that. I can barley make it though the day keeping up with these littles. But then I thought…well…I do love shopping and sharing my finds with friends so why not give it a go!! It is a lot of work but I really love passing along pieces I absolutely love to my readers!! These days everyone is so busy it is easier to shop online. So I love to offer my followers the chance to just like my photo and receive all of the information on my outfits straight to their email through the app. No need to search through 100’s if pages of clothes!! That’s exhausting! I know because its what I do!
One of my favorite outfits you’ve posted on your blog is the L’Academie blush dress. In fact, I think I’ll buy it in blue! What is one of your all time favorite outfit posts and what was the most well like post among your readers?
Oh my gosh, one of my favorite too!!! Thank you!! I think it’s my new favorite brand and in fact I have the blue too!! Great minds think alike!
I think my favorite post is on the dress I wore to my daughters 4th Birthday, it is so dainty and beautiful! It has the sweetest little stars all over it and is a pretty nude color.
The most well liked outfit is a marysia swimsuit with a sun hat I wore on our summer beach vacation! It surprised me that it was so popular because I have on no make hair is tucked in the hat and it is super casual!!! I actually wasn’t even going to post it bc I didn’t love it! Hahah isn’t that funny. I never know what people are going to like!
What is your “go to” outfit on a morning you’re just not feeling creative?
So this goes for days also where I don’t have many places to go either…I think the w by wilt Dress is what I live in around the white, black, navy. We both have that dress and I know how much you love it too!! Probably with j.crew wooden with silver or gold fill flops. Now when it gets colder I will have to re assess…probably lulu lemon or something like that…
You and the girls always seem to be on the go. What are three items you always make sure you have in your bag for the girls before you leave the house?
I love to be on the go with the girls and take them most places because that’s how they learn and before I know it they will be in school full time ..wahh wahhhhh wahhhh……also, the busier we stay the less they fight..! Water sippy cups..for each girl or they will fight over one. Snacks for sure or we will have to stop back home..and diapers of course for Bella!!!
Whats your favorite way to shop?
Online!! with the littles I really dislike heading into stores to shop..if we do I keep it as fast as possible. They are into everything witch I worry upsets the employees or owners. Also, online you can return of it doesn’t work! It’s Perfect for me with my lifestlye.
Describe your style in 5 words?
Easy, classy, feminine, sexy, and effortless
And how about the girls style?
Cute and comfortable!! I love detailed beautiful pieces that you can find at boutiques like JoJo Mommy!!
A few of your favorite brands to dress the girls in?
The Beaufort Bonnet Company, Florence Eiseman, Old Navy, Helena dresses, Laura Dare Sleepware, and Bella Bliss
What are 5 staples in the girls closets you couldn’t live without? Maybe items that you find yourself buying size and size again for the girls?
Tell us about a typical Saturday morning at your house?
They wake up at the crack of dawn..anywhere from 4,5 or 6 am…so I usually make eggs for the girls and give them chocolate milk. Then we will usually go back upstairs so that I can get a shower. They play while I get dressed and hair done. Then we come downstairs and play with toys and watch their favorite movies. I give them more food and then we have a nap or quite time..then after that we get moving for the day around noon or so.. it’s super glamorous!!
Do MR and BJ love fashion as well?
They do so much!!! They are in a phase where they only agree to wear pants!
How Ladylike! So then they have opinions now when it comes to getting dressed?
A lot of options!! But I try my best to sell them on the outfit I want them to wear if we need to take a picture for the blog or have a party to go to.. Other than that they can wear whatever they want.
What surprised you most about motherhood?
How much sleep I would loose…they are up and down all the time!! I love their little personalities, and opinions I just try to keep up and keep them in line! Haha! I knew I would love them so much but I had no idea how much they would love me too! That brings me to tears.
What are your favorite activities to do as a family?
We actually love taking them to the Disney Store!! It’s their idea of Heaven!
I’ve known your family for as long as I can remember. Your mother is a gem. What is the best advice she’s ever given you?
Thank you!! She is the best and so helpful with the girls. Her education is in early childhood development. She always reminds me that they are 2 and 4….not grown. So be patient and understand they are going to act wild and crazy like most of the time! Lol
What is the first piece of advice that comes to your mind for someone who is about to become a mother?
So much there is not enough I would just say that everything is a phase and will pass! So don’t worry too much about whatever is going on with your baby at the sleep, teething, sick, crying, yelling…you name it!!!